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    Friday, 10 November 2017


    We can not continue subsisting our body,
    Controlled by another man's jacket,
    Afore our crust will be embossed high,
    Above the mare's tail.
    We must to bust up ourselves into us,
    And let others learn how to pull themselves to pieces in their tongue.
    Everyone will be liabrated,
    From the controlled of another image's form.
    We should know our carapace,
    Nose out the pulchritude in us,
    And brush the discoloration off our face,
    So as to make our face an
    hauiling beauty,
    In the lust of our eyeball.
    Everybody wants to look like head-turner,
    In the pier-glass of every eyeball,
    And be the mortal the earth will peek at.
    But the only duplicate that is throwing us away,
    Is self-unadmiration and false-face.
    To throw ourselves into our selfdom and real face,
    We must carry our face away,
    And give it to the reflector of our crust.
    Let our crust tell us how we can be an image of our undertone.
    How we can seek the real beauty in us,
    Without being controlled by another body's image.
    The things we need to do,
    To redress our image to us,
    The hand-glass that held us,
    The shadow that wears us in disguised,
    And the false-beauty that carried us off,
    Must be dealth with by our look.
    It is thus true this saying says;
    Show us your beauty,
    And we will in reality by no flaw tell you who you are.
    'T's quite clear to realized that our face is not buts us,
    Still and all if we are,
    It thence true and facts.
    We should control being not controlled by another man's face;
    We should forge out the beauty in our look,
    And let our face find the shade of our complexion.
    We are to make a thoroughful dig up,
    At the back of our fingers duke,
    And read out the hurt of the past in our eyeball,
    Our history will be transcribed into our face,
    Of who we nothing else but are!

    Written by
    Awotide oluwaseun Michael
    The Magical Poet

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