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    Saturday, 11 November 2017

    Sorrows of love

    Sorrows of love is an ironical collection of love poems, by a poet from the woods.

    This collection of poems provides a panoramic view of what goes on
    in the heart of a man so full of love.

    From the first day he picked up his pen to tell the story of his lover, nothing was ever the same again.

    In this collection of poems, the poet
    tries to recall the beautiful things
    that love has done to him, right from conception to this present time.

    This collection of poems is an ambitious which make an attempt to represent the equalities of love in a love filled life and environment.

    To talk about love in this present time, is to take upon oneself the shadows of a worrying theme.

    Even an infant will know that the poet has found love somewhere, it protrays it in his choice of words.

    This collection of poeams teaches you the art of
    staying true to the one you love.

    In sorrows of love, you can win the one you love, the one you've lost, and also find new love.

    In each page, you will find yourself becoming more passionate, aware, enthusiastic and merry with love.

    For those who understand the forces that guide them and know where they want to go, it is possible to
    chart their own course.
    Herein, you will feel the benefit of love, and so will everyone around you.

    I have vowed in the privacy of my journal to love what every 'heart-art' has made, for their beautiful one work.

    Biography of the poet:

    Ude Ibiam Ufiem, is a Nigerian poet, with the pen name, Amboetry, who chooses to be
    A poetrenuer, memoirist, columnist and Director of Creative Crew Africa.

    He describes himself as a weird word son of word paying his due of art to earth.

    Watch out for the book soon!

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